Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Black Book of Secrets, F.E. Higgins

When I opened my eyes I knew that nothing in my miserable life prior to that moment could possibly be as bad as what was about to happen. 

And indeed, Ludlow Fitch, the narrator is correct. He just manages to escape from a horrible fate and flees to a remote village. He finds a job with a mysterious pawnbroker who trades people's dark secrets for cash. It's all he has ever dreamed of, with a safe place to live and food to eat. Ludlow's job is to transcribe the secrets into the leather-bound tome called The Black Book of Secrets. Joe Zabbidou, the pawnbroker, is kind to Ludlow, but refuses to disclose anything about his own past and what he's going to do with the secrets, and Ludlow doesn't know whether to trust him or not. Meanwhile, the evil controller of the entire town feels usurped by Joe, and plots his demise. The Black Book of Secrets had a sort of wry humor and black magic. It was a great fantasy, with a good plot. Joe was a great character, as was Ludlow and the villains. The names were good too. Very creative...

Read The Black Book of Secrets:
  • if you like quirky, slightly-dark, but mostly fun fantasy
  • if you like eccentric, shady characters in a book
273 pages.
Very Good! I would recommend this book!

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