Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Way We Live Now, Anthony Trollope was an interesting, if a immense (more than 800 pages) work in two volumes. Published in 1875, The Way We Live Now is a work of satire that covers everything: politics, finance, aristocracy, the literary world, gambling, etc. Trollope's many characters embody all the vices: Lady Carbury, who is "false from head to foot", her ne'er do well son Felix, and Melmotte a scoundrel and a swindler. All of the characters are trying to do well for themselves, and become wealthy, even if they don't really have the means to do it. Marie Melmotte, Melmotte's daughter is thought to be wealthy because of her father, and thus, all the young men without much money go after her. It's a good book, and for a 19th century book, is not too overwritten. If you're looking for something challenging and engaging, The Way We Live Now is a good book to read. 4 1/2 stars.


  1. Here's a book suggestion for you; I'm doing it for my book talk. It's a memoir, Battle Hymn of the TIger Mother. You might not necessarily agree with the author's views, but its' really engaging and I'd recommend it. Also, I just discovered this site, and it's AWESOME!!! Cya at school!

  2. Yes, I've heard of that book. It sounds pretty interesting, though I totally don't agree with Amy Chua (is that her name?) Thanks. :)
