Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop, Lewis Buzbee

When I walk into a bookstore, any bookstore, first thing in the morning, I'm flooded with a sense of hushed excitement. I shouldn't feel this way. I've spent most of my adult life working in bookstores, either as a bookseller or a publisher's sales rep, and even though I no longer work in the business, as an incurable reader I find myself in a bookstore at least five times a week. 

In this interesting book, Lewis Buzbee, who worked in bookstores for many years, tells about not only his experiences and fascination with books, but also the history of books and bookstores. This book could have been made into something very boring, but I was continually entertained and didn't find it at all dull. The book intersperses personal ancedotes along with historical notes, a perfect balance. Buzbee also offers his opinions on new reading technologies, such as e-books and If you like to read, this is a great book to offer some insight on bookstores and what happens to books before you buy them. I really liked hearing about the two independent bookstores that he worked in in California, and the people he meet there. I also got more book recommendations from this one.

Read The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop:
  • if you like books about books
  • if you are interested in bookstores
  • if you like history
216 pages.
Very Good! I would recommend this book!

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