Wednesday, December 19, 2012

In a Glass Grimmly, Adam Gidwitz

Once upon a time, fairy tales were horrible. Not boring horrible. Not so-cute-you-want-to-jump-out-the-window horrible. Horrible like they define it in the dictionary: Horrible (adj.)- causing feelings of horror, dread, unbearable sadness, and nausea; also tending to produce nightmares, whimpering for one's parents, and bed-wetting.

In a Glass Grimmly is the companion to A Tale Dark and Grimm. It just came out this fall, and I loved it just as much. It follows Jack and Jill, two royal cousins, along with a talking three-legged frog, as they travel and experience (you guessed it) ever more bloody things. Adam Gidwitz's sharp humor is again apparent in this second book. The funny thing is, though in both books, he's always warning you about the bloody parts, they're not actually that bloody or disgusting. I'm sure in real life, they would be, but in the novel (at least for me), you just don't feel that disgusted.

In a Glass Grimmly was slightly better, I think, than A Tale Dark and Grimm. There are less witty asides from the narrator of the book, which are perhaps the funniest things to read. There are still plenty of them, though, and the book is structured much the same way, with each new chapter beginning, "once upon a time", but the story itself is better.

My favorite part of the book may just have been when Jill outwits the giants by having an eating contest and pouring the porridge into a blanket. The ruse is discovered, but she has more tricks up her sleeve. I won't give it ac\way, but it was pretty funny. But then Jack gets mad that she saved them from the mess he got them into and falls down and breaks his head. Oops. I probably shouldn't have told you that. But don't worry. He recovers. Overall, this book is less bloody and has more "life lessons", like telling you to love yourself, just the way you are. Whenever they get in trouble, either Jack saves them, or Jill, or the frog, or they all work together to save each other.

In a Glass Grimmly is written in the same vein as A Tale Dark and Grimm, and I would highly recommend it.

Read In a Glass Grimmly:
  • if you like dark fairy tales or dark fiction in general
  • if you like retellings of fairy tales
  • if you like fantasy
  • if you liked A Tale Dark and Grimm
314 pages.
Outstanding Book That Will Stay On My Bookshelf For Rereading (jf I own it)!

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