Browsing on the web one day, I discovered an intriguing site: Out of Print Clothing. They sell not only bookish related clothing but also other products such as pouches, journals, bags, jewelry, and more. I saw many lovely products, so imagine my delight when Out of Print agreed to send some samples! I requested three items: a Library stamp t-shirt, a Master and Margarita t-shirt, and their Pride and Prejudice tote bag. I'm delighted to say that I was overall quite satisfied with each one.
The t-shirt that initially attracted my eye was the distinctive library stamp t-shirt; I thought it was a lovely concept. Although apprehensive that the shirt would be too small, it was actually just right, if somewhat tight. So if looking for a very loose fitting shirt, definitely size up. For me it was fine though. One drawback to this particular one is the sheer lowness of the v-neck, but other than that, I really have no criticisms. It's a great idea, and has been executed extremely well. I love the soft gray color too, and the choice of year for the dates....
Although a Great Gatsby t-shirt also looked nice, I'm pretty sure they're more common, and how often does one see this? :
The Pride and Prejudice bag was perhaps the most refined; I absolutely loved the peacock design, from an old and very famous edition of the book. The lettering is gorgeous and I love how the feathers splay out over the top of it. My only complaint was that it is a bit small, not quite a good size for holding many books. The straps are a bit small too; to me it felt more purse like in terms of straps. Still an amazing product overall.
You can order these three here, here, and here; I'd highly recommend checking out Out of Print. And it's all for a good cause; books are donated for every item purchased.
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